Student Accommodation
IHM –Ranchi provides accommodation for students in either the gentlemen’s or the ladies hostel. The charges for the room and the surcharge will be notified from time to time.
Cleaning and Tidiness of Hostel Rooms
The hostel room has to be cleaned properly once a week and bed linen must be cleaned twice a week or as required. As part of the housekeeping training, students will be required to clean their rooms in all respects. All corridors and common areas in the hostels as also in the academic block will be cleaned by the Institute housekeeping staff.
Waste and Rubbish
All waste and rubbish must be placed in bags, which when full is to be tied and deposited in the containers in the designated places. Under no circumstances should waste and rubbish be placed in the corridors. Students are asked not to throw anything out of the windows or to store anything on the outside window ledge.
Storage of Luggage
Students may bring their personal belongings in suitcases and bags. These will have to be emptied except a small bag and all the personal items will be kept in the cupboards and bed drawers. Students will be required to take away all their personal belongings and suitcases at the end of each session or in case of rustication etc.
Bed Linen
The Institute will not provide bed linen. Students may bring their own bed linen, pillows, towels and toiletries. All clothes and other items of the students should be marked with black indelible ink with name and room number. This will be compulsory and no item can be kept in the room without such marking. This will assist in minimizing misplacements and disputes.
Electrical Gadgets
No TV or electrical gadgets are allowed in the hostel rooms except a laptop, music system and a heater in the winter months.
Students are welcome to bring mugs, flask, water gadgets, etc. of their choice.
Students will have to be inside the campus before (8:00 PM) and in their rooms before 10:00 PM every night (Sunday to Friday). No TV viewing or games will be allowed in the common areas after this time. Students may have a night out on Saturday. However, this will still be with permission of the hostel warden. Permission to go out during the weeknights including Sunday night will be given only in exceptional circumstances under the discretion of the Principal/Warden.
Students should avoid making loud noises, through talking or music, etc. so that other students are not disturbed. Students will have to abide by any request by a fellow student or staff member on account of excessive noise. Students should ensure that noise in the accommodation buildings and in the Institute campus, in general, is kept to a minimum at all times, and particularly between 10:00 PM and 7:00 AM. Students coming back after 10:00 PM (When on ODC) are asked to do so quietly.
Hosteller Students are entitled to have all four meals (breakfast, lunch, evening tea and dinner) on Saturday, Sunday and on holidays during the academic term in the mess. During weekdays breakfast and dinner will be provided in hostel mess. Lunch will be provided to all students (including hostellers.) in the Institute. There are no charges for the same. Timings for the meal will be notified and must be adhered to.
The Institute encourages parents and family members to visit. However, they will be requested to adhere to certain timings to meet the students to avoid interference with the academic schedule. Parents and family members are welcome to eat in the mess on fixed charges. However, prior information for this may be given to the mess manager, as far as possible. Parents and family members can visit the students in the hostel also but entry in the room will only be with the permission from the warden and on his/her absence from the Principal.
Medical Assistance: Institute makes arrangements for minor ailments like colds, headaches, etc. For any major treatment parents will be informed to do needful.
Institute may alter or change above guidelines as per the need of the hour, which will be binding on all the students.
Refund of Hostel Fees:
Within 1 month- 25k
Within 02 months- 20k
Months will be calculated: i.e. if a student withdraws on any date of the current month, full month charge i.e. Rs. 5000 shall be applicable.
Prior approval of warden and Principal is mandatory before leaving the hostel.