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Examinations are method to evaluate the level of understanding, grasping and observing subjects, products and adopting ethics of the chosen field.


The process of examinations is divided into two components:


Internal examinations

  1. Written tests
  2. Practical tests
  3. Course wise assignments


Term-end Examination

For further clarification students and guardians are requested to check NCHMCT Exam Guide available in websites of IHM RANCHI and NCHMCT



In order to be eligible to take the Council’s examinations (any semester/ term or course), a candidate must have; been on the roll of an affiliated institution for one full academic session (period of study) in the course for which he/she wants to take the examination; submitted his/her application to the Controller of Examinations through the head of the institution last attended or any other authority nominated by the National Council for Hotel Management and Catering Technology for this purpose; produced the certificate signed by the forwarding authority of having attended not less than 75% of the aggregate of all lectures, practical and tutorial classes held during the session (effective teaching hours/ contact hours). Attendance in lectures, practical and tutorials shall be counted from the date of commencement of session as per Council's calendar.


Note: A student is expected to attend 100% classes i.e. theory, practical & Tutorial. The above relaxation is provided for absence due to unforeseen reason.


    1. Every period of lecture, tutorial, practical, project and workshop work as applicable shall be counted as one unit for the purpose of counting of attendance e.g. if a class covers four periods at a time, four units of attendance will be counted.


    1. Each candidate should have carried out laboratory, practical assignment, project work etc. prescribed in the course taken by him/ her to the satisfaction of the Head of the Institution and certified by the Head of that Institution as fit for appearing at the examination as regards progress, conduct and character provided that such candidates have not been debarred from appearing for any examination held by any Government or constituted statutory examination authority in India at the time when examinations are held by the National Council for Hotel Management & Catering Technology.


    1. A student engaged in extra-curricular and co-curricular activities, with the permission of the Principal (Food Exhibitions, Chef Competition, Education tour, etc.) shall be treated as present for the purpose of counting attendance in accordance with the timetable, for which record will be maintained by the institute.


    1. When on account of bonafide illness, (supported by a Medical Certificate from a Registered Medical Practitioner produced by the candidate at the time of illness or immediately thereafter) or for any other reason deemed sufficient by the Head of the Institution (e.g. death in family), the  total attendance of a candidate falls short up to a maximum of 10 percent of the total working days, the Head of the Institution shall be competent to condone such deficiency in attendance and permit such a candidate to appear for the examination, if otherwise eligible.


Note: Industrial Training shall not form part of above and will be treated separately.


A candidate who is disallowed from appearing for an examination for not fulfilling the conditions at 4.1.3 above shall be required to fulfil all the conditions afresh, before being entitled to appear for the examination.


Those candidates who, because of being ineligible to appear in any of the National Council Examinations, are detained in the same semester/ term whether on account of shortage in attendance or for any other reasons will be required to repeat that semester/ term as a regular student in the following year and may, if otherwise eligible and if so permitted, appear in the next semester/ term examination. Detained students will not be permitted progression to next semester of the course.


Industrial Training (IIIrd or IVth Semester of B.Sc in Hospitality & Hotel Administration):

Industrial Training will require an input of 102 days (17 weeks X 6 days per week = 102 days). To qualify for examination a student must login at least 87 days of Industrial Training. Student can avail 15 days leave with prior permission of hotel authorities. A student, who fails to attend 87 days of Industrial Training will not be allowed to appear for examination and treated as fail in the subject. Such a student will be allowed to complete the Industrial Training shortfall during vacation and appear in the subsequent examination, if otherwise eligible.


A candidate, who fulfils the conditions above but does not appear for the examination, may at his/ her option appear for the subsequent examination as an external student. In such cases the internal assessment put in shall be preserved by the Head of the Institution and presented at the subsequent examination.


Attendance of the students, provisionally promoted to the next higher class, shall be counted from the date of commencement of session.


A candidate having passed an examination shall not be entitled to re-appear for the same examination. Improvement in pass subjects is not permitted.


    1. All applications for admission to the examination, shall be accompanied by the necessary fee prescribed by the National Council for Hotel Management and forwarded through the Head of the Institution on or before the last date notified by the National Council every year. An additional late fee as prescribed shall be charged for each late application received in the National Council’s office not later than 15 days after the notified last date and up to 30 days before the commencement of examination. The Controller of Examination, National Council for Hotel Management & Catering Technology shall, however, be competent to accept such late applications without any late fees even after the notified date in case he is satisfied that the application was in fact submitted by the candidate to the Institution in time but could not reach the National Council’s office before the notified date on account of failure of authorities in the Institution to do so.
    2. The National Council will accept no application, which has not been so submitted or is not complete in every respect. The Head of the Institution shall be competent to refuse to forward to the National Council any such application, which is not complete in every respect.


    1. Notwithstanding the forwarding of applications for admission to examination and payment of examination fee through the Head of Institution and allocation of Examination Roll Numbers and/ or release of Admit Card by the National Council, the Head of the Institution shall be competent to withdraw such applications in respect of those candidates who do not fulfill any of the conditions laid down above, at any time before the commencement of the examination and to disallow those candidates from appearing for the examination. List of all detained students must be communicated to the National Council before commencement of examinations.
    1. Students who wish to continue their studies, after having been out of the institute for not more than two years due to any reason, except those who for adopting unfair means or found guilty for gross indiscipline etc. and having been debarred by the competent authority from appearing in the examination conducted by the National Council, could do so within one week from the commencement of the session. The period of absence shall be counted from session to session and not from the date candidate leaves the institution. Attendance for such candidates shall be counted from the date of commencement of session. They will, however, continue with the original roll number allotted to them in the first instance.




Period to clear/ pass all papers/ subjects of a course shall be as under:



Two years Masters Degree in Hospitality


Four Academic years

One and Half year Post Graduate Diploma in Dietetics and Hospital Food Service

Three Academic Years

One and Half year Post Graduate Diploma in Accommodation Operations and Management

Three Academic Years

Three years Bachelors Degree in Hospitality &

Hotel Administration

Six Academic Years

One and Half year Diploma in Food Production

Three Academic Years

One and Half year Diploma in Bakery &


Three Academic Years

One and Half year Diploma in Food & 

Beverage Service

Three Academic Years

One and Half year Diploma in Housekeeping

Three Academic Years

One and Half year Diploma in Front Office


Three Academic Years

One and Half year Craftsmanship Certificate Course in Food Production and Patisserie

Three Academic Years

Six months Craftsmanship Certificate Course

in Food and Beverage Service

Three Academic sessions/terms 


Failure to clear the subject(s) in the last year/ session will in effect result in the candidate being OUT OF SYSTEM. Such candidates desirous to continue the course will have to seek fresh permission to clear their pending subjects of the course as per the manner prescribed by the National Council.



    1. Every candidate shall submit his/her application to the Head of the Institution by the last date as notified by the Controller of Examinations and Head of Institute shall further forward the applications to the Controller of Examinations so as to reach within 8 days of the last date so notified subject to the conditions laid down. Applications received late from the Head of the Institution are liable to be rejected.


    1. Examination fee/ rates shall be as notified from time to time.




    1. Fees once paid shall not be refunded except in such cases as mentioned in Rule 6.2 below.


    1. The examination fee paid by such candidates who are not permitted to appear in the examination shall be refunded on receipt of an application by the Controller of Examinations in writing to that effect from the candidate concerned within 3 months of the commencement of the Examination. No application will be entertained if received after the date mentioned above.


Following shall be taken as ‘MALPRACTICE’ in the examination


    1. Candidate who is found in possession of any note-book(s) or notes or chits or any other unauthorised material concerning the subject pertaining to the examination paper.


    1. Anything written on any part of clothing, body, desk, table or any instrument such as setsquare, protractor, blotting paper and question paper etc.


    1. Possession of electronic gadgets such as Mobile phone, I-Pad, Tablet, Ear Phone, Head phone, Smart watch, Bluetooth device, Wi-Fi, hotspot, etc.


    1. Talking to another candidate in the examination hall or change of seat without the permission of Examination Superintendent.


    1. Consulting notes, books or any other material or outside person while going to toilet etc. outside the Examination Hall.


    1. Running away or swallowing or destroying any note or paper or material found with him/her.


    1. Impersonation.


    1. If the answer-books show that a candidate has received or given help to any other candidate through copying.


    1. Using obscene or offensive language in the answer book.


    1. Deliberately disclosing one’s identity or making any distinctive mark in the answer book for that purpose.


  1. The candidate found guilty of having adopted anyone or more of the above malpractice is liable to be penalised with a penalty by the National Council, which may vary from cancellation of the examination/expulsion up to maximum period of three years following the malpractice under issue.




  1. a) A candidate found having in his/ her possession or accessible to him/ her papers or chits or material relating to the subject of the question paper shall be declared fail in the subject.
    1. A candidate found having in his/ her possession bulk cheating material such as books, notes, chits or material relating to the subject of the question paper shall be declared fail in all the theory and practical subjects of the semester.
    2. A candidate found exchanging answer book or question paper with solution or copying from unauthorised material shall be declared fail in all the theory and practical subjects of the semester.
    3. A candidate found having in his/ her possession electronic gadget(s) shall be declared fail in the subject.
    4. A candidate found using/ copying from electronic gadget shall be declared fail in all the theory and practical subjects of the semester/ term.


  1. Candidate found talking to another candidate during the examination hours, in the examination room/ hall or outside or found changing his seat without the permission of Examination Superintendent, shall be asked to leave the examination room/ hall and Controller of Examination informed.


  1. If an answer book shows that the candidate has received help from another candidate or to have copied from any paper, book or note or material or to have allowed any other candidate to copy from his/her answer book or to have taken the help from the notes written on any part of his/her clothing or body or table or desk or instruments like setsquares, protractors, scales, admit card, etc., shall be declared fail in all the theory and practical subjects of the semester.


  1. If a candidate is found guilty of running away or swallowing or destroying any paper or note or material found on him/ her, the candidate shall be declared fail in all the theory and practical subjects of the semester.


  1. A candidate found in possession of a solution to a question set in the paper through connivance of any member of the supervisory or any other ancillary staff or some outside agency shall be declared fail in all the theory and practical subjects of the semester. Cases of such alleged misconduct on the part of supervisory or the other ancillary staff shall be reported by the Superintendent to the Administrative Authority concerned for necessary action.


  1. A candidate found guilty of smuggling in an answer book or a continuation sheet, or to take out an answer book or a continuation sheet, shall be disqualified for a maximum period of two academic years.


  1. A candidate found using obscene or abusive language in the answer book or found guilty of serious misconduct or misbehaviour towards the Superintendent or any member of the Supervisory staff shall be disqualified for the examination and debarred from appearing in the National Council’s examination for a period of two to five years according to the gravity of his/her misconduct.


  1. In case of impersonation, the candidate who is impersonated shall be disqualified for a minimum period of five academic years or for any such period as will be decided by the National Council. The Superintendent shall report the person who impersonates to the Police.


  1. If a candidate is found guilty of deliberately disclosing his/her identity or making distinctive mark in the answer book for that purpose or fails to deliver his/her answer book/continuation sheet before leaving the examination hall, he/ she shall be declared fail in the subject.


  1. If a candidate is found having exchanged the raw or semi or finished product/work for an examination in practical, viva-voce or project work or presents to the examiner, a practical or class work notebook, project or tour report which does not belong to him/her, he/she shall be declared fail in all the theory and practical subjects of the semester. A student will be disqualified for a period of one year for submission of fake/ forged certificate of attendance of Industrial Training or for any such period as decided by the Examination Committee.


  1. A candidate found to have attempted or trying to attempt personally or through another person to influence or pressurise an examiner, or any officer or official connected with the examinations, either at the institute or at the National Council, in any matter concerned with the examination shall be disqualified for a minimum period of one academic year.


  1. A candidate, found approaching or influencing or pressurising directly or indirectly a member of the examination committee or any officer or official of the Board, regarding his/her unfair means case shall be disqualified for one more year in addition to the punishment to be awarded according to the rules for him/her having used a particular type of unfair means as detailed in Rule 9.13 above.


  1. A candidate making false statement in any of the examination form shall be disqualified for a period of one year.


    1. A candidate found guilty of having adopted unfair means, but not covered by any of the above rules shall be punished according to the nature of the offence and decision of the National Council shall be final.


    1. According to the above rules, disqualification for one academic year shall mean that the candidate has failed in all subjects of the examination in which he/she has indulged/adopted unfair means and shall not be allowed to appear in the next term end examination. For example a candidate disqualified for one year for having used unfair means in the term end Examination 2019 shall be declared fail and will not be allowed to appear in the term end examination 2020, and will be permitted to appear in the term end examination 2021 and onward if otherwise eligible under the rules.


    1. Candidate whose examinations are cancelled and who is dis-qualified from appearing in the National Council’s examination for certain number of semesters/ years, because of use of unfair means in the examination, may take admission as regular student upon completion of disqualification period. Such a candidate will be required to fulfil all conditions of eligibility, as laid down in Examination Rule 4. They will also have the option to appear as external candidate.




  1. To pass a theory subject a candidate must secure at least 40% marks in Internal Assessment and End Term Examination together.
  2. To pass a practical subject a candidate must secure at least 50% marks in Internal Assessment and End Term Examination together.
  3. To pass Industrial Training, Research Project and Term Work a candidate must secure at least 50% marks in End Term Examination.


Note: For the purpose of mark computation, a fraction of half or more than half shall be counted as one in the final computation.



    1. The internal assessment shall denote performance of the candidate in in-course assessment held at institute and it shall be reckoned as 30% of the marks allotted to the subject in the final computing of results by the Council.  Details of in-course assessment for each semester of course are indicated in the examination scheme.